Women often crave for sweet-sour-salty food during their PMS. Satisfying my PMS cravings since I arrived in Brazil are oranges, a fruit that mostly bear during autumn/winter season. They are so accessible to me as we have them at our own yard. So when cravings set in, I can pick it from the yard and suck it (with salt) at its most fresh state. Never did I suck or drink fresh orange juice the as often as I can now. It is quite costly in the Philippines and we Filipinos choose ice tea over fresh orange juice more often than not. I remember my husband always ordering fresh orange juice whenever we eat out when he was in the Philippines.
On top of coffee, flipflops, and models, Brazil is also a leading country in citrus business. They are the largest producer of orange juice and 98% of orange export came from Sao Paulo.
Lucky for my husband 'coz when I get pregnant most probably it will still be oranges that will satisfy my cravings. He once said what if you crave for filipino fruit during your pregnancy?..Well, that's another story to tell.
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